18/05/2022 | Activitats > Diplomàcia pública
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El proper 18 de maig se celebrarà la segona edició de la Tribuna Espanya-Indonèsia, que se celebrarà en format en línia, de 9.30 a 11.05 h Madrid / 14.30-16.05 Jakarta. Aquest fòrum, igual que l’any passat, està organitzat per Casa Àsia i el Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) d’Indonèsia, i compta amb el suport dels Ministeris d’Afers Exteriors dels dos països, i la col·laboració de les respectives Ambaixades a Jakarta i a Madrid.

La Tribuna Espanya-Indonèsia constitueix una plataforma de diàleg i cooperació que té com a objectiu principal potenciar les relacions entre els dos països, a més d’explorar oportunitats de col·laboració i d’impulsar vincles entre les societats civils respectives.

Aquesta segona edició consta d’una sessió d’obertura i una de clausura, i dues sessions de treball. A la primera s’abordarà la innovació digital com a eina per superar la pandèmia del COVID 19, mentre que a la segona sessió es contrastaran les visions des dels dos països respecte a la regió de l’Indo-pacífic.

Casa Àsia organitza aquests fòrums amb països asiàtics (actualment, amb la República de Corea, les Filipines i Indonèsia) amb el propòsit de propiciar reunions anuals entre les delegacions dels dos països al voltant de temàtiques d’interès comú.

Idioma de l’acte: Anglès


9:30-9:40 Madrid (UTC+1)

14:30-14:40 Jakarta (GMT+7)

Dr. Yose Rizal Damuri  
Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia 

Javier Parrondo
Director General of Casa Asia

9:40-9:55 Madrid (UTC+1)

14:40-14:55 Jakarta (GMT+7)

H.E. Ngurah Swajaya
Director General for American and European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia 

H.E. Javier Salido
Director General for North America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain

 9:55-10:25 Madrid (UTC+1)

14:55-15:25 Jakarta (GMT+7)

Digital Innovation to Overcome COVID-19 Pandemic 

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted economies across the world, including Indonesia and Spain. The two countries have similar economic concerns and would benefit from sharing the lesson learned of how to rebuild their economy and society better two years in the pandemic. Support to build back better can benefit greatly the two countries’ tourism and manufacture industry sectors, as well as the micro, small and medium enterprises to regain footing. Digital economy and innovation policy have been seen as solutions to revive and recover some of the most crucial economic sectors. This session shares innovation taken by Indonesia and Spain to address the challenges brought by the pandemic, as well as exploring the possible joint-innovation going forward. 

Marta Nuevo Falguera
Political Analyst

Dandy Rafitrandy
Researcher, Department of Economics, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia

Raquel Jorge
Researcher, Real Instituto Elcano (Think Tank)

Widya Listyowulan
Vice President Public Policy and Government Relations, Traveloka, Indonesia



Rafael Bueno
Director of Politics, Society and Educational Programmes, Casa Asia 

10:25-10:55 Madrid (UTC+1)

15:25-15:55 Jakarta (GMT+7)

Indonesian and Spanish perspectives on the Indo-Pacific 

The new concept of Indo-pacific answers to the realization that the Indian and Pacific Oceans are deeply interlinked and face similar challenges. Until now, the term has been adopted by a number of countries worldwide, as could be seen by the various Indo-Pacific strategies published. Most of these Indo-Pacific strategies stress on the need for interconnectivity between the continents of the world. This session shares Indonesian and Spanish perspective on their version of the Indo-Pacific, highlighting possible cooperation and collaboration.

Emilio de Miguel
Ambassador on Special Mission for the Indo-Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, and Director of Casa Asia Centre-Madrid

Faizal Chery Sidharta
Directorate General for ASEAN Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia

Javier Gil
Professor of International Relations, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Dr Shafiah F. Muhibat
Deputy Executive Director for Research, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia 



Dr. Lina Alexandra
Executive Director, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia 

10:55 – 11:05 Madrid (UTC+1)

15:55 – 16:05 Jakarta (UTC+7)

H.E. Francisco de Asis Aguilera Aranda
Ambassador of Spain to Indonesia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain 

Widya Sadnovic
Director for European Affairs I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia 

Segueix l’acte en directe:



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